Welcome to AMF, a home of good music.
To get in touch, email bruce@aingemusicfactory.co.uk.
The Ainge Music Factory (AMF) have now an impressive 350 songs in their song catalogue, with no sign of a letup in their output. Said to be the best unsigned songwriting team in the UK, if not the world, by an industry source. All we need to do now, is impress the right people who can move us up into the big time. So here is our means for all people (including the captains of the music industry, recording artists, record labels, oh, you know, anyone that needs new music and can pay for it)
Our aim is to produce songs using wholesome, meaningful lyrics with an excellent melody. The kind of music that is said 'nobody writes any more'. Music that stays in the mind and moves hearts. Music that stays with you all your life. The consumate all time favourite (well, one of them).
AMF music is produced with the criteria that it first of all must sound good. Our original concept was to produce 'Beautiful Music for Beautiful People'. And when asked today what kind of music are we producing, we can't think of a better way of responding than to say "BM for BP".
AMF are here to offer our music to the world. There are no 'covers', it's all original music. You can listen to AMF music on this site. If you like what you hear, you can buy the albums and play them any time you want. You can order albums using PayPal and your credit card from the 'Tracks' page for each completed album, of which there are now two: 'Legacy' and the Coralie Raven album, 'Just 4 U'. We also offer a third album, which is a composite album called 'Stunning'. This has tracks from several albums. Some of those albums have yet to be completed. As such, this has been used as a demo album that demonstrates our ability. We also currently working on another 5 AMF albums. You can have your own copy of any of our albums just by ordering them on this website. You can also email orders paying by cheque, Postal Order or Bank Transfer.
We will continue to write and produce songs 'they don't write any more', for as long as we can. We have Rock & Roll, Country, Ballads, Blues, Jazz, Swing - well, most of the established styles that have their roots in the 1940's 50's and 60's. We have managed to avoid Rap.
Once you have heard our music, why not let us know if you liked it? Or not liked it. Our Guestbook feature offers you the chance to let us directly network with you. We'd love to hear from anyone who loves music and are as passionate about it as we are. Let us know if there are problems with the AMF website, whether or not you can hear our tracks okay, that sort of thing.
The message we have for Music Publishers is: Why are your artists recording new versions of old songs (that sound exactly the same as the original), when AMF are here with such excellent new song material, that refreshes the parts other songs can't even find?
We sincerely hope you like AMF music.
All music on this website is protected by Copyright. All songs are owned by AMF (Bruce & Hilary Ainge). No part of which can be used without the consent of the Copyright holders.